ELO Token

Future Vision and Current Applications

The ELO token, pivotal to Reload Games, is a dual-purpose asset, providing stability on Ethereum and agility on Polygon. It's crucial for transactions in Sacred Tails and Instinct, adding depth to the gaming experience.

  • Future Integration in Reload Hub: ELO will be vital for hosting tournaments and events, engaging the community in a yet-to-be-launched hub.

  • Hoardable's NFT Marketplace Role: ELO will facilitate NFT trades on Polygon through our In-house NFT marketplace Hoardable, connecting digital assets with our gaming community.

  • Gamified Community participation: By adding a meta-game like format to the Hub, it will help diversify the more mundane tasks needed to grow a community. With priority updates in the future focusing on Guilds we want to tailor the entire experience to feel completely immersive, even outside of the games.

  • Profit Share, Treasury and Buybacks: A significant part of profits will empower the DAO treasury, where ELO holders will vote on incubating innovative indie games whilst also having a say on proposed game updates. A further portion of the profits goes into buybacks which are then redistributed to holders in the form of flash staking.

  • Strategic Governance: Governance via ELO extends to nurturing new game ideas and integrating web2 games, with Reload Games taking a small fee for using ELO as their primary token. Plus ecosystem adjustment governance for the marketplace and games.

ELO will serve as the cornerstone of current operations and future strategies, highlighting its crucial role in Reload Games' growth and diversification.

  • ELO as a Rewards Mechanism: Beyond transactions, ELO will be used as a rewards mechanism within the games and the Reload Hub, incentivizing players for achievements and participation.

  • Liquidity and Staking Opportunities: The token will offer liquidity options and flash staking opportunities, providing users with additional ways to earn and invest within the Reload Games ecosystem.

  • Leveraging our assets: Reload Games already has 3 products in the ecosystem, we intend grow our current userbase across all products which will incentive new studios to join our ecosystem. With our focus being on scalability it offers a path for us to slowly transition into a distributor for other web3 games, ultimately increasing our concurrent userbase and strengthening the core community.

  • Fast Onboarding: The Reload Hub concept is built on hybrid technology, in the sense that it minimises the blockchain interactions in order to have a more enjoyable user experience. This also means that it will be fast and simple to integrate ELO into web2 games, by utilising basic API's such as Leaderboards synchronisation for soft port functionality, with the option to integrate further at the discretion of the builder.

  • Small Fees Stack: By having our own in-house utilities for any gaming infrastructures needs, it allows us to maximise our profits by removing primary usage of 3rd party services whilst simultaneously promoting the use of our ecosystem.

These additional aspects of ELO's role within Reload Games further illustrate its centrality to the platform's current operations and future growth strategy.

Last updated